Michael Tsen's Saga




Thursday, March 23, 2023

Klang Valley trains network - MRT, LRT, Monorail, KTM


Sunday, March 12, 2023

dark energy and dark matters are SPACE

1916 Einstein enlighened us that our world is made of light; 100 years later it only fails to address a couple of challenges; quantum entanglement & expansion of universe; both faster than light.

You may also discover it fails when it goes extremely BIG and when it goes infinitely tiny.

More words are made up since then trying to explain our world better.  Now science has determined "we" are only made up of 4% of our universe

We are made of nothing - from atom to cell - red blood

 Says if the size of an atom is 100 picometers and our cell is 10 micrometers; a cell would have a space for 100,000 atoms.  As cells come in various sizes, we may estimate a cell would have at least the size of tens to hundres thousands of atoms. 

Most of human bodies are made of water, followed by protein.  Water is simple H2O transporting and communication within us so it makes sense to say we are made of protein.  Protein is amino acid which ranges from 1-10 nm.

For example, red blood cell is about 7-8 microns and mades up of 4 chains of protein with an iron composite molecule in the middle mades up a total of 5,640 atoms which is less than 1 micron = less than 10% of the cell, hence 90% of non matters.


the fine words

. atom sizes varies and even the measurement of atom size is yet to be concluded; it could be from nucleus to the outest orbit of electron or distance between 2 nucleus; both have their justification and challenges.

Monday, December 06, 2021

Air Asia Ride, terrible bad experience on their app

A trip was schedule pre booked a couple of days in advance, at first it seems like someone accepted the job but after that the drivers keep changing.

So in the travel day,  I texted the driver asking if he's on the way then the driver is changed again.   I texted the new driver twice finally one called me to confirm the pick up. 

On the dot when I tried to view how far the driver was,  a receipt window pop up instead showing I canceled the trip !?  I was wondering if I press anywhere wrong by mistake but 100% certain I didn't after checking. It caused an havoc trying to look for another transport at that last minute. 

A car turned up which was the one who called earlier, he said he arrived on time and pressed the arrive button then the trip record disappear. 

It ended up Air Asia Ride charged me a promo fare at RM59 while I still need to pay the driver cash RM 63 separately to avoid any further delay 

A terrible start of my journey

1.  Air Asia uses DacSee for their Ride, it is one of the worst and most u reliable software development in the market.  They bought and terrible codes from India and didn't invest enough time to test prove it.   All money and time lost abuses are dump upon the drivers and passengers

2.  As most know by now, Air Asia itself is not as noble as we hoped it to be.   Their principle is never to serve well; at best they target to appear to serve well which is pure marketing.   The philosophy of lousy real person customer service and how they abuse every little customer water fall down to all their other ventures as well

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Where to go abroad post pandemic ?

 Below shows # of cases the past 14 days and

this shows total vaccinated;

If one is planning to visit abroad, one would probably want to go places with less cases recently while with highest vaccinated country possible;  which is China follows by Australia.


Wednesday, March 03, 2021

目前最詳盡的阿努納奇的故事,人類誕生的真正原因 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao

Saturday, August 26, 2017


“天长地久是不可能的,那只属于童话里得”。 曾经一个朋友苦心地说着。。。若干年后她遇到了他,于是就“天长地久”般爱上了。后来却再次走回“那只属于童话里得”的阶段。

以前的我是相信只要有【信】念,就可以天长地久了。她说了后我就开始更深层观察研究,结果见过了很多对天长地久的爱人。有些是高高兴兴地活在一起,一些是吵吵闹闹得。有一对在一起60多年了,在离开世界那一天她还不相信他可以和她天长地久白头到老。老伴眼里含着泪,握着她的手,嘴角微笑着说,"嗯嗯,你对,不行不行“。 然后就看着她离开了。


Sunday, April 02, 2017

ASTRO gives free satelite TV channels too

A good example of how enterprise counter latest economy trends.  FREE channels are already available by many methods.  Although Astro is late in the game but at least it shows they acknowledged the real challenges and now facing them by the front.


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