Michael Tsen's Saga




Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Return Trip

George Mallory might not be known by many unless you are an Everest enthusiast.

He was one of the early Everest climbers. At his 3rd attempt to conquer the summit, he went missing instead. And the missing lasted 75 years until someone found his frozen body.

Climbing mountains 100 years ago is very different than now. There weren't much high tech equipments available. Mallory did use oxygen tank at the peak but I guess that's pretty much about it. But it seems that he didn't mind at all. He loved the cold.

One of the main reasons why he was famous in the climbing world is the way he answered a question, "Why do you want to climb Mount. Everest ?"

"Because Its there."

After his body was found, it has been a controversy if he had reached the summit. Many of his family and friends claimed that he did based on what was still on his body and what was not. However, no clear proof is found at the summit that he had been there yet.

Among the hefty arguments, one of them stand out.

"It doesn't matter if he reached the top,
if he doesn't make it back,
it is not a complete journey."

It strikes me at my bullseye. The last time I climbed Mount. Kinabalu, I didn't reserve any energy to climb down. As a result, I suffered greatly. I was focusing so much on how hard it is to climb up that I totally ignore the way down. I was thinking if I could make it to the top, what else would it be that I cannot do ? If it wasn't the guide the authority forced to tag along with me, which I strongly resent at that time, I must have spent a night at the summit for sure.

Life is a journey itself, while you are aiming high and climbing up ... have you given a little thought on how you would like to come 'down' ?

Friday, January 22, 2010

The other side at the peak of Mount Kinabalu

Once you reach the top of Mount Kinabalu, the highest peak in South East Asia. You are standing on a 50 square feet rocky area. Usually the first thing you see is the sky, sun rise and everything else is under you. Thats the east side.

If you turn around, you will see the shadow of Mount Kinabalu, cast by the sun shine. A pyramid's shadow ... with its tip at infinity. This takes more of my breath away than the sun rise. I have seen many sun rises. But I haven't seen anything that can block sun lights at this grand level ...

Then in between you would see the path you have just climb up from. The south side.

And the north is simply grant forest view.

If you turn back to the east side again and look down, you should see the scary part where it is free fall straight down to who knows where. Thats the side with the fences as well. The yellow oval marked in below map where I am talking about ...

Mount Kinabalu is a sleeping volcano. It has erupted before and it may or may not erupt again. This is the part half of the peak was ruptured and the entire 'hole' is black lava remains.

It is black, dirty, ugly and scary. But even more astonishingly amazing to me than the sun rise and the shadow. As if I am witnessing the fall of the half empire ...

What I don't understand is ... how come I couldn't find any one talked about this part of the peak ? And I couldn't seem to find any pictures taken toward this angle. I so wanted to take a clearer look into these lava scratch lines again ...

Sometimes when the beautiful sun shine is right there in front of you, you may not remember the ugly black lava beneath your feet.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What color to wear during this new year ..

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Sins, demons and their Virtues

Below is a list of sins committed by human ... which is the hardest to resist ?
  • Excessive love on one self - Pride, boasting, vainglory, hubris, superbia. 
    This is the source of all other sins. This is also the main reason why the fallen angel ( Lucifer ) want to compete with God and finally become Satan. The good Virtue : Humility
  • Exccessive desire to have more stuff especially money - Greed, avaritia, demon=Mommon, the good Virtue : Charity
  • Excessive sexual desire - Lust, luxuria, demon=Asmodeus, the good Virtue : Chastity
  • Envy - invidia, demon=Leviathan, the good Virtue : Kindness
  • Swallow over eat food in a very fast pace, sucks like a fly - Gluttony, gula, guillia, demon=Beelzebub, the Good and Virtue : Temperance
  • Hates and angers - wrath, ira, demon=Amon, the good Virtue : Patience
  • Do not care about anything and everything - Acedia
  • Do not use one's talent, ability and gift for its intented purpose - sloth, demon=Belphegor, the good Virtue : Diligence
  • Always feel not satisfy and discontent - Despair
  • Excessive urge to own belongings especially luxury goods and sexual related - Extravangance, luxuria
Bold words simplify the word of that sin.
italic words show the relevant demon with that sin
underline words are the opposite good to that sin
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